

application definition, extends NXxbase


raw data from a kappa geometry (CAD4) single crystal diffractometer, extends NXxbase

This is the application definition for raw data from a kappa geometry (CAD4) single crystal diffractometer. It extends NXxbase, so the full definition is the content of NXxbase plus the data defined here.


No symbol table
Groups cited:
NXdata, NXdetector, NXentry, NXinstrument, NXsample


entry: (required) NXentry

definition: (required) NX_CHAR

Official NeXus NXDL schema to which this file conforms

Obligatory value: NXxkappa

instrument: (required) NXinstrument

detector: (required) NXdetector

polar_angle[np]: (required) NX_FLOAT {units=NX_ANGLE}

The polar_angle (two theta) at each scan point

sample: (required) NXsample

rotation_angle[np]: (required) NX_FLOAT {units=NX_ANGLE}

This is an array holding the sample rotation angle at each scan point

kappa[np]: (required) NX_FLOAT {units=NX_ANGLE}

This is an array holding the kappa angle at each scan point

phi[np]: (required) NX_FLOAT {units=NX_ANGLE}

This is an array holding the phi angle at each scan point

alpha: (required) NX_FLOAT {units=NX_ANGLE}

This holds the inclination angle of the kappa arm.

name: (required) NXdata

polar_angle –> /NXentry/NXinstrument/NXdetector/polar_angle

rotation_angle –> /NXentry/NXsample/rotation_angle

kappa –> /NXentry/NXsample/kappa

phi –> /NXentry/NXsample/phi

NXDL Source: