5.3.2. NeXus Mailing List

We invite anyone who is associated with neutron and/or X-ray synchrotron science and who wishes to be involved in the development and testing of the NeXus format to subscribe to this list. It is for the free discussion of all aspects of the design and operation of the NeXus format.

5.3.3. NeXus International Advisory Committee (NIAC) Mailing List

This list contains discussions of the NIAC: The NeXus International Advisory Committee, which oversees the development of the NeXus data format. Its members represent many of the major neutron and synchrotron scattering sources in the world. Membership and posting to this list are limited to the committee members, but the archives are public. General discussions should be held in the public mailing list.

5.3.4. NeXus Video Conference Announcements

There are video conferences on NeXus roughly twice a month. Agenda and joining details are posted on the webpage: http://www.nexusformat.org/Teleconferences.html In addition calender invites are sent to this list. NeXus-Tech used to be used for discussions in the past. Now the list is moderated to only allow commuication related to holding meetings. All other traffic should go to the main list nexus@nexusformat.org

5.3.5. NeXus Developers Mailing List (retired)

This mailing list was for discussions concerning the technical development of NeXus (the Definitions, NXDL, and the NeXus Application Program Interface). There was, however, much overlap with the general NeXus mailing list and so this separate list was closed in October 2012, but the archive of previous posting is still available.